

The CIVICAi cat Association is born thanks to the impulse of 136 founders who expressed their willingness to work in association to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) is for everyone and, therefore, serves people and society in an equitable and responsible manner.


For this purpose, the association undertakes the following actions:

• Promote the development and the responsible and transparent use of AI, through sustainable AI technologies that take into account their social and ethical implications, both locally and globally.

• Raise public awareness about the challenges and opportunities of AI, and work to ensure citizens’ participation in its governance.

• Establish communication channels with democratic powers to make proposals that ensure an implementation of AI that respects citizens’ rights and environmental sustainability.


• Responsibility: Encourage responsibility among developers, companies, and institutions in the use of AI to ensure it is free from abuse and discrimination.

• Transparency: Promote transparency in the creation and use of AI to guarantee its safety and privacy.

• Diversity: Promote diversity in the design, development, and use of AI so that this technology is equitable and non-discriminatory towards any human being.

• Sustainability: Foster the development and use of AI to be sustainable for people and the planet.

• Justice and equity: Ensure that AI respects the diversity of terrestrial ecosystems and offers an equitable distribution of its opportunities and benefits.

• Empowerment: Encourage the empowerment of people in a world increasingly influenced by AI, so that they can make informed and assertive decisions about their lives.


The process to make AI accessible to everyone and for the collective good is based on projects carried out by the associates, organized into divisions or working areas.

Projects prioritize the following actions:

• Participate in the construction of a rigorous and solid theory on the impact of AI in all areas of human activity, so that informed and verified decisions on its use can be made.

• Promote governance in the use of AI aimed at defending the rights and welfare of the citizens, and the protection of the planet.

• Establish a process and a methodology to document the development of the theory, agreements, and protocols, that is open and participatory, so that all legislative and executive proposals made to the democratic powers of society are developed and agreed upon with transparency.

• Organize education, training, and awareness campaigns for citizens and professionals about AI and its social impact.

• Promote research on the social impact of AI and establish alliances with other stakeholders, including scientists, companies, and community organizations, to make joint proposals and also monitor the uses of AI and its ethical implications.

• Work to ensure that all areas of human activities and interactions, including services such as education, ethics, health, communication, business, government, community, science, culture and the arts, and technology, benefit from AI.


© 2024