Purposes and objectives

The Social Council is a council of entities, permanently established by CIVICAi on June 26, 2023. It is composed of all those organizations that share our vision of the need for citizen participation in AI governance. These entities participate in the activities and governance of CIVICAi, through the Social Council, and work collegially to ensure that AI serves the people and society in an equitable and responsible manner.


o President of the social council: Roger Serra

o Vicepresident of the social council: Montserrat Casanovas 


The Social Council has, among others, the following purposes and objectives:

o Organize training sessions and workshops on key aspects of AI, directed at the associates and the members of the organizations that form the council.

o Organize conferences, dissemination campaigns, and events to raise society’s awareness of the opportunities and challenges of AI.

o Promote the development of a social culture about AI, facilitate public debate, and influence public policies related to AI.

o Encourage the adoption and certification of ethical practices in administrations, companies, entities, and NGOs.

o Share and unify agendas of the activities organized by the organizations of the council.

o Work as a coordinated network of contacts and cooperation, to turn the association into a reference channel for information, content, and training on AI, and for citizen participation in relation to AI.

o Ensure that AI implications appear on the public agenda.

o Drive strategic alliances with other organizations at a national and international level.

o Participate in the effective administration of the association’s resources, including fundraising and human resources management.

The Social Council was constituted by the following organizations: